Tech Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A One–Hour Response Time Guarantee

  • Every single support request you submit to us will be replied to within maximum sixty minutes. If your support ticket or email requires further assistance from an administrator, we’ll without delay forward it and leave a note to notify you that your case is being worked on. If you make use of our Optional Admin Services package, all of the services included there will be executed at a time of your liking.

  • Top quality support service
  • An Exceptional Client Care Service

  • We will be at your disposal 24x7x365 to respond to any enquiries that you may have pertaining to our Site Control Panel and any of the applications that we have preinstalled for your convenience on the server. If you also require support with server management tasks, take a glance at our Optional Admin Services package, which includes data backup space, Operating System updates every week, server monitoring and rebooting services, as well as troubleshooting and software installation procedures.

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Easy–to–Navigate Help Section

  • We have provided our Site Control Panel with an exhaustive knowledgebase, which features extensive explanations of all its features and functions. Moreover, we have shot in–depth video tutorials that will further disclose to you how to perform a particular task or resolve a commonly experienced issue. All the educational articles and the video tutorials are easily accessible from every Site Control Panel section via the Videos and Help buttons in the upper right corner.