To keep a quickly streaming site, you must have a clean and well crafted code. Within the Site Control Panel, you will find a set of applications that may help you quicken your site’s effectiveness without the need to modify anything within the back–end code. The Web Accelerator Programs – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish will not just aid you to supply a lot faster streaming rates to your guests and so lessen site exit volumes, but will also take your website higher in the search engine results.

To utilize the Web Accelerator Programs, just access your Site Control Panel and create an instance for the one you like.


RAM–saving as a substitute for data–base calls

If you’ve got a fast paced database–powered website or application, it could have issues running fast for the website visitors as a result of the different requests sent to the database. To help you solve the page loading problem, we have listed the Memcached tool into the Site Control Panel.

Memcached is known as an effective distributed memory object caching platform, which collects data and also objects in the server’s memory to prevent the database from getting queried whenever a customer opens up a particular page. Using this method, your web site pages will start quicker for customers and will definitely boost the possibility for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative for HTTP calls

In case you have content–intense busy websites with numerous visuals plus clips, you’ll definitely need to ensure that your web pages stream extremely fast for the site visitors. An outstanding tool you can use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that will help you speed up your websites without requiring that you have any specific computing skills.

Varnish stores all demands towards the web server inside the server’s memory and provides the pages quickly to the customer by making unnecessary fresh queries to the web server. This way, all web pages on your site are going to be opened 300 – 1000x times faster for your site visitors. You can also opt for if the inbound calls will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the server, etc.

Hepsia File Manager


For the purpose of making fast as well as scalable web applications

Web programmers can implement Node.js with regard to generating all kinds of high–quality and also cost–effective tools like business stats, live web apps and website CMS, to name a few. It’s super fast and flexible and is also backed up by an engaged community that keeps promoting and sustaining it.

Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally employs an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that produces its API versatile and extensible. This revolutionary solution enables designers to speedily build up high end web apps by using only 1 language.

Hepsia File Manager